There had been plenty of labor battles in the West, but this one differed in several ways. The mine owners failed to get the military or police force they demanded to suppress the strikers. The Populist governor of Colorado, David Waite, was no help to the bosses. They did have County Sheriff Frank Bowers under their thumb, but when he sent a team of six deputies to defend a mine, they were captured by the local marshal's "special police," who were on the side of the strikers.
A former military police investigator with the U.S. Army, marshal for Green Mountain Falls, and chief of the Woodland Park Police Department from 1980 to 2000, Rulo also served as Inspector General for the Department of Corrections.
The Marshal Of Cripple Creek
During an informal gathering with residents and staff members, Salvato stressed his detailed experience in the government arena, in working as a city manager, assistant city manager, building official, fire marshal, code and health inspector and more, for a wide array of communities in Texas.
Two government agents travel to a frontier mining town to investigate a criminal conspiracy smuggling gold ore out of the country. They go undercover as infamous gunfighters to win the crooks' confidence, but their arrival raises the local marshal's suspicions. Western, starring George Montgomery and Karin Booth
1oiTHE SAM VjATTfl HERALDSATURDAY JULY 8 1893t 1llhiMUR1 MAY APPEALI The Case Bobs Up Before Judge II Bartch Once MoreJOHN ZANE IK A QUANDARY1marshal Brigham Appoints Two MoreDeputies for This DistrictThey Arc ExCity Marshal Jnnney ana JF B Timmonv The Hearing ol Sullivanct nl Set For This 3Iornlng Ther s f Manger Attachment Case1The attorneys in the now familiarft Whitmore contempt case met in JudgeBartchs court yesterday morning to1 settle the defendants billof exceptionsf The plaintiffs offered certain amendments If to the bill which were not opposed by thedefense and the bill of exceptions andorder of judgment in the case were then jsigned by the curt it This being done Judge HendersonL filed a notice of appeal and a cost bondand asked that the court fix a supersedeasbond In addition to this he also arguedthe matter of the defendants right to appeal from the judgment of contempt andwas answered by John M Zane lor the JplaintiffAt 2 oclock Judge Bartch rendered hisI t final judgment After reviewing the casehe held that an appeal would lie andclosed by saying A stay of proceedings will be grantedMr Varian left the room in apparenti disgust and although Mr Zane calledupon him to remain he did not heed therequestZane then called and said Does yourHonor sit y proceedings in such a case asthis on a uond ot 5300 such as has beenfiled herer Jndge Bartch The statute provides forthe bondJudge Henderson than asked for a cer itificate of probable cause to preventWhitmore from being imprisonedZane strongly opposed the granting ofsuch a certificate and stated that the effect of its issuance would be a denial ofjustice and that there was no reason fory granting it IJudge Henderson Well if the certificate is granted we will give any bond that If may be requiredMr ZaneYour honor a certificate of If probable cause might nullify the entireproceedings and leave the matter as itnow stands for years Ir L Judge Bartch If it is appealed as a civilaction how thenMr ZaneI never heard of anything otthe kind in my life The matter is solelygoverned by the criminal statutesJudge HendersonBut an appeal is ofno account to us unless tho proceedingsare stayedJudge BartchWell I dont care tohear anything more of this case The order will stand as first madeMr ZaneWell 1 do not yet under istand the order is the defendant remanded to the custody of an officerJudge BartchNo the proceedings arestayedThus did the persimmon fall into thelap of the defendant1 After the attorneys had left the room afl HERALD reporter asked Mr Zane whatI effect the order just entered would haveon the caseft God only knows said he HIdontJndco Zane also passed upon severalmotions in the original case during theday He dismissed and denied the motionfor a new trial denied the applicationfor a writ of mandate to compel thereferee to settle the statement on motionfr a new trial fixed the snpersedeorsund at f29S7SO on appeal holding thatI 4 the injunction was in operation and effect pending an appeal confirmed the report of the water commissioner modifiedthe cost bill to the extent of 26875NEW DEPUTY MARSHALSExCity marshal Jaimey oDd J B Timtmony Are AppointedMarshall Brigham made two appointments yesterday as follows J B Timr mony was appointed deputy marshal forthis districtand exCity Marshall Janney Iwas appointed a guard at the penitentiaryTHE COXTJCMlI CASESullivan et al to Have a Hearing ThIsMorningThe contempt proceedings againstSheriff Sullivan T J Donahoe H FGreer C M Thackston and DeputySheriff Scott all of Juab county will betaken up before Judge Bartch at 10 oclockthis morning Judge Zane will not holdcourt today but hear formal matters onMonday4 The Manger Attachment CaseThe attachment suits against L CMarigerin the sum of 1125850 were notsettled yesterday at expected but thewhole matter will probably he adjustedin a few days Mr Manger stated to aHERALD reporter last evening that henever came into actual possession of thecattle attached and never had any particular interest in the proceedingMinor Filings> Anna T Withnaack vs Ferdinand W otcsThe butchers of this city have arrangedfor some races to take place at the oldrace track on the 24th Only horsesregularly used in delivering can be entered and the knights of the clever expect to have some rare sportJacob Shaefer celebrated billiardistand Billy Spinks who spends much ofhis time in Salt Lake are expected herevery soon Harry Shaefer a cousin ofthe wizard has resided in this cityfor many yearsPeter Maher the Irish champion willprobably be in Salt Lake in a short timeFINANCIALTho MetalsSilver uuu 72T3Lead 3 72teCopper 1040Tin 18 05NewYork Blouey MarketNEW YORK July iMoney on call moreactive ranging from 0 to 20 closed offered at 4Prime mercantile paper OI10 per centSterling exchange steady sixtyday bankrs1 bills 48 74t3 demand 417i48HNew fork Stock MarketNEW YORK JulyiThe tendency of pricesat the stock exchange today was upward theolume of business was small but as the bearsshowed a disposition to cover the market ruledon a higher range The upward movement wasassisted by an advance in American securitiesAt London the market was not anectefl to anygreat extent by the rise In rates for money andclosed steadyGovernment bondsStrongPetroleumDullBonk Clearings for the WeekNEW YORK July iThe following table iscompiled by Bradstreet of the clearings for theweek ended July 7 with percentage of Increase or decrease compared with the corresponding week of last yearInc DecNew York 8 002481000 57Chicago 90b90000 75Boston 93422000 102Philadelphia 71723OuO 24St Louis 2024 030 95IBaltimore 153910CO 37 ISan Francisco 13t70000 57Plttsburg 12455000 155Cincinnati Il4i90i0 230Minneapolis 6039000 375 I IOmaha 5277000 10St Pau1u 4547100 198Denver 3029000 362PortlandOr 1408243 431I Seattle CS3000 544Los Angeles 428000 435Helena 696000 53Spokane u 21000 no comGreat Falls 300000 no comThe total for the leading cities of the UnitedStates for the week ending July 7 is SI 0514U23S2 decrease 82 per centMorning Railroad StocksNEW YORK July 74sCoupon110 N Y CentralHlOUPacific Gs 103 Or Navigation 50Atchison 22 Pacific Mail InsCentral Pacific 20H Rock Island 694Burlington SIu St Paul Omaha SOViD RG PIa 35 Texas Pacitlc 6UNorthern Pacific 12 Union Pacific 24114Preferred 3234 Fargo Express130 INorths estern 107H Western Union 80iNorth American lOSiiClosing Railroad StocksNEW YORK July 7U S 4srcg110 Preferred 324do Coupon110 1 Northwestern 1035U S Ssree 97 Preferred 135Pacific Cs 103 N Y cent10lAtchison 22 Or Imp 10Am Exp 109 Navigation 55Can Pacific 7I Short Line 11Can Southern 483i Pacific Mall 17lCentl Pacific 20 Pullmann162Burlington 81i Reading l4lChicago Gas 844 Terminal102 =CottonOiln 33 R G W 15Lckr wanna 44 H Preferred 53D R G 44H Firsts GSDistillers i2 I Rock Island gIlls Cent 91VS St Paul C7iKas Tex 19 stPaul Omaha 3VLakeShore 12iji Sugarm 12Lead Trust130 Tex Pac OKLouisville N Glia Union Pac 2l7iMich Cent S21 U S Express150Missouri Pacu 32 Fargou 130National Cordage SI > 2 Western Union 81 iN Amer Electricu 7HiNor Pao 121i Linseed 20J 2Boston QuotationsBOSTON July 7Atohlson 2J Mexican Cen 6 BBell Telephone 188 San Diego 9Burlington S57Closing aiininc StocksNEW YORE July 7ConCal Va 135 Plymouth 20Deadwood 90 Sierra Nevada 50Gould Curry 20 Standard 1 25H Norcross 20 Union Con 40Eomestake 8 00 Yellow Jacket 50Mexican Uh 45 Iron Silver 15Ontario 8 00 Quicksilver 1 00Ophlrhu K3 Preferred 15 00COMMERCIALNew York General MarketsNEW YORK July iHopsQuiet steadystate common to choice 1922 Paciho coastCV7 > 2nWoolDull unsettled domestic fleece 2 732 pulled 2637 Texas 1620Coffee Options steady 10 to 15 up Sales11500 bags August 1593 September 15751595 October 157t1585 December 15551565 Spot Rio firm more active No7 17Sugar Raw steady quiet fair refining 3 4centrifugals 96 test at 4 muscovado 89 test at3 4 Reuned steady fairly activeCopper Steady lake 1040LeadSteady quiet domestic 37212TinWeak straits 1865PlatesSteady quiet spelter steady domestic 415Chicago General MarketCHICAGO July iWheat Steady cashG3SeptC94CornStrong cash 41H Sept 42lOatsSteady cash29 Sept 26hPorkSteady cash 1920 Sept 2020LardSteady cash 995 Sept 1047HRibsSteady cash 905 Sept 94234Rye 50Barley NominalFlax llliTimothy 400Chicago Live StockCHICAGO July 7 Cattle Receipts 10000good steady common and Texans weak bestuceves 495 4460 grassers 35J410 Texans 250315 Hogs Receipts 23000 opened strong closedweak mixed and packing C0625 primeheavy and butchers weights 025OS5 lightt 640S eep Receipts 11000 Rood natives steadyot t Irs dull natives 400S550 westerns 400ta TO Texans 390445 ewes 400450Ieeders2703IOChicago Grain MarketCHICAGO July 7WheatFair tradeopened 34 higher advanced more on bad cropreports declined Irregularly a fj on reports orrain and good weather for crops held steadyclosed Jg higher than yesterday Receipts75000 bushels Shipments 97000 bushelsLiverpool Grain MarketLIVERPOOL July 7 Wheat Demand poor3 red winter 5s Sd 2 red spring Cs 4dCornDemand fair spot finn 4s 5d Julyfutures steady 4s 4d August 4s 534d jSeptember 4s CdNo other Sarsaparllla has the merit by whichI Hoods Sarsaparilla has won such a firm holdupon confidence of the people 61I No misrepresentations at the Chicago1 I Liquor HouseDiTo Restorehair whichhas become thinand keep the scalpclean and healthy useAYERSHAIR VICORIt prevents the hairfrom falling outor turning grayThe bestDressingTHEPeoii1os g ForwardingCOMPANYWill Pay the rates here quoted and guaranteethem to be the ruling pricesWHOLESALE BUYING PRICESRetail about 15 per cent higherCorrected Daily by the Peoples Forwarding Co24 and 20 E Second South StreetGUAm Buying SellingWheat l1 bus bulk No I 5I 3 55 70U no grade nuOats cwt sacked white 1 50U mixed 145I cracked n 0Eastern n nun nBarley brewingI feedt cracked 1 OJ 1 20Corn S n 1 34 chopped 1 351 and Oats nFop COrDnh 46rLOURHarvest Queen pr cwt 6QHIgh Patent 2 10 3oStraIght Grade 1 83 N 10Family un 1 7 OJearllne Meal SOm mm 2 ggCornMeal n 200Graham 25t ills lOGraham lOs 1 95 IRye 00 mm 4 >Buckwheat 3Oatmeal 600Bran II n 75 IiShorts II 85 100HAYTimothy mixed straight f t100 liOORedTop n 3M 1300Upland Wild m U 100 12 50Lucen 8 OJ I OJucernioomStraw oat q 50 OJ600wheat II UOPRODUJEButter best llb roll 2015nI Creamery llb Bricks 25Eggs i t 45iJPotatoes Utah i1 cwtnew Cab 1 83Cabbage h 2 50Onions 2 10Lucer Seed new 10Centul Sacks 7 toSI Friends Merchantsand ConsumersWe offer you for cash a discount of Kcents per cwt on HAY and GRAINfor a few days Hoping to receive alair share ot your orders I am yoursrespectfully E ii RICH MgrSoctefiOctaandlOpor BottleOne cent doseTHIS GREAT Couctpromptly cureswhere all others fail Coughs Croup SOlOThroat Hoarseness Whooping Cough andAbthma For Consumption it Las no rivalhas cured thousands and will CURB YOU Iitaken in time Sold oy Druggists on a guarantee For a Lanio Back or Chest useBHILOHS BELLADONNA PLASTER25CCATARRHSHiLOHSV REMEDYHave you catarrh This remedy la guaranteed to curs you Price 50 eta Injector freeA C SMITH COJIIChildren Cryfor PITCHERSCASTORIAOf Castor1 is RO well adapted to children thaiI recommend it as superior to any prescriptionknown to me II A ARCHER M DtIll South Oxford St Brooklyn N YI use Castoria In my practice end find Itgpedally adapted to affections of childrenATTY ROBERTSON It D1057 2d Ave New YorkFrom personal knowledge I can say thatCastoria fa a most excellent medicine for children DR G C ObooonLowell MossCnatorfa promotes Digestion andOvercomes Flatulency Constipation SourStomach Darrhoea and FeverishnessThus the child is rendered healthy and itsBleep natural Castoria contains noMorphine or other narcotic propertyJlilujlitLADIES ONLYDr DuMonts Female Regulatin PIllalways safe and reliable 12000 teatlmonlalafrom all over the world Beware of dangeroussubstitutes and imitations Price 200 perpackage Sent by mail securely sealed fromobservation Address Dr R DuMont 63 BHalted Street Chicago Ills U S AW OF1d3 Fair Pree IAny person sending their address toeither of the undersigned agents ofTHE CHICAGO iMIST PAUL RAILWAYWill be sent FREE charge a picture14x20 inches in size of the WorldsFair buillings a map of the UnitedStates map of Chicago and other valuable informationJOHN H KEENECommercial AgentJOHN II ALLENTraveling Freight and PassengerAgent Room 22 Morlan Block 15W Second South street Salt Lakecity Utah Mention this paper1RAILROAD ANNOURCEf1EPlTI= Rio GrandeWESTERNI RAliwAt WesternS1andard GaugeCURRENT TIME TABLEIN EFFECT 3TAY 7 1893= = LEAVE SALT LAU = =No 2For Provo Grand Junctionand all points east 805a mNo 4For Provo Grand Junctionand all points east 720pm INo 8 For Provo Payson Eurekaand Silver City 605pmNo 6For BIngham and Sanpete 855amNo ForOglon and the west 1159pmNo1 For Ogden and the lest 1030 a m= S = ARRIVES SALT LAKE = =No IFrom Provo Grand Junctionand the east 1020amNo 3From Provo Grand Junctionand the east 1150pmNo 7From PrjvoPayson Eurekaand Silver City 1000amNo 5From Bingham and Sanpete 530 pmNo 2From Ogden and the west 75iamNc 4From Ogden and the west 710pmrnilgr running through Pullman palacesleeping cars Salt Lake to San Francisco SaltLake to Denver via Grand Junction and SaltLake to Kansas City and Chicago via Coloradopoints0TICKET OFFICE 200 SOUTH MAIN STREET0D C DODGE A EWELBY J H BENNETIden Mgr Genl Supt G P T AUnl PLIC1fiC CSYSTEM IJ fiio THE THROUGHIj OAK LINETRAINS ARRIVE AHD DEPART AT SALT LAKtCITY DAILY AS FOLLOWSEffective June 29 1893ARRIVEFrom all points eastm ooun 300 a mFrom Butte Portland San FranCisco Cache Valley and Odenl000amFrom all points east Park City andOgden 1130 amFrom Ogden and Cache Valley points 710 p mFrom Provo and intermediate points 9t52 mFrom Milford Juab Provo and Eureka CU5 I p mFrom terminus and Tooele 4 00 p mDEPARTFor Ogden Park City and all pointsEast u n 8M a mFor Butte Portland San FranciscoandCache Valley points 1005 a mFor Ogden Park City and all pointsEast u h 630p mFor Ogden intermediate points and SanFrancisco 900 pmFor Provo Juab and Frisco 715 a mFor Eureka Provo and Intermediatepoints fi01p mFor Tooeie and Terminusn i4j a mDaily Sundays exceptedJ Does not run between Juab and Milford onSundaysFor time of Garfield Beach trains see speciallocal advertisementCITY TICKEr OFFICE 201 MAIN STD E BURLEYGenl Agt Passgr DeptE DICKINSON E L LOMAXGen Manager G P T AgtBURLINGTONROUTBBEST JJM TODENVEROmaha Kansas CityI ST LOUISANDCHICAGOTillio Trails DailrSecure your tickets andsleeping car accommodationsat Rio Grande Western Railway office Main and SecondSouth streetsWF I ricifiiLbAIJ Gall AtC o1orao I r M1allE1 l nRAILWAYOffice of General Passenger iAgentAdditional Cripple Creek ServiceCommencing May 1st the Colorado MIdlantRailway will put on and run daily thereafeadditional suburban trains to accommodateCripple Creek and Florissant business asfollowsWESTBOUND EASTBOrNDLv Colorado Springs Lv Florissnt 1340 am810 am Lv Divide 1111 8mArrive Divide 015 am Ar Woodland PrkArrive Florissant 1130 am1003 am Lv Woodland Parkll50amAr ColoSpgs lOJpmAr Pueblo 530 pmAr Denver 600 pmThis arrangement gives a convenient andrapid service into and out of Cripple Ore oko GUTAH NATIONAL BANRCAPITAL AND SURPLUS S222000Transacts a General Banting BusinessSAFE DAPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT ilJOSEPH M STOUTT President ALEXANDXBEOGKRS VicePros dsnt P L WILLIAMSfiecond YicePres dent A B JONES CashicnT R Jones Co IsII BANKERS IISALT LAKE CITY UTAHB H 8UHETILEBBankin and Brok8raB I60 South East Temple StHEAL ESTATE STOWS AND BONDS IBOUGHT AD SOLDNOTARY WORKEST BL 5HEU S73IcCORfllCK CO BANKERSSALT LAKE CITY UTAHI General BatjiMnessTiaBsacleilCollections Promptly made on All Pointsninthe West and Northwest Careful attentkagiven to Consignments of Ores and BullionExchange and Telegraphic Transfers on thePincjnal Cities of the United States mdEuropePRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTSNew Yorlc Importers and Traders NationsBankKountze BrothersChicago Commercial National BankSan Francisco First National BankOmaha Oranhu National BankSt Louis National Bank of CommerceKansas CityNational Bank of Kansas CityFirst National Bank American National JBankDenver Denver National Bank City NcrtloocJBankPuebloFirst National Bankortiand OrCROU First National BankLondon Martins Bank Limited CO LombardSt cotRational Bank of the RepublicCapital 5000000PROGRESS BUILDING SALT LAKE CITY6 per cent Interest Pad on Time Deposit3DIKECTOFRANK KNOX L C KARRICKPresident Vice PresidentJ A EARLS Cashier GEORGE A LOWEW E SMEDLEY J G SUTHERLANDH L A CULMEK G S HOLMESEMANUEL KAHN0fi General Banking Xsiaess TransactedCapital 300000 Surplus 42800COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANKOF SALT LAKE CITYCor Second South EM Commercial StsGeneral Bunking in All Itll BranchesIssues Certificates of Deposit payable on demand bearing interest if left a specified timeSells Drafts and Bills of Exchange on all principal cities in the United States and EuropeDIRECTORSGeoMDowney Prest W P Noble VPrestThosMarshall2ndVP F H AuerbachJohn H Daly O J SalisburyMoylan C Fox John W DonnellanEdwin Kimball CashierUTAHCOlllnlBrcial and Savins BankSALT LAKE CITYCauital 200000 sums 40000Five per cent interest paid on Savings Deposits compounded four times a yearNickel Savings Stamps for sac at the hankor any of its agentsDIRECTORSFrancis Armstrong P W MadsrnDr Joseph S Richards T W Ellerbeck3oivar Koberts Thos W JenningsOscar H Hardy Snmiel McintyreM E CummingsWELLS FARGO COSBANKmaSalt Lake City UtahCEs1abIisl1ed 1S 2Transacts a General Banking BusinessJ E DOOLY CASHIERCAPITAL AND SURPLUS S 4lJOOOUNION NATIONAL BIIKSuccessor to WALKER BROS BankerEstablished 1859UNITED STATES DEPOSITORYSAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENTi H Walker Pres M H Walker V PrsaM J Cheesman ashierL H Farnsworth Assistant CashierJ K Walker Jr Assistant CashieiEstablished 1841 140 OFFICESTHE OLDEST AHD LARGESTR G DUN COTHEMERCANTILE AGENCYGEO OSMOND General Manager Utahand Idaho Offices In Progress Building SailLake CityConvenienceand Economyeffected In every household by the use ofLiebig CompanysExtract of BeefThe best way to improve and strengthenSoups and Sauces of all kinds Is to add alittle of this famous productT B ft y V T l T I T J t B T f J V 1 I TDesert National Bank 50000 Oran zed Octoliir 1890INTEREST PAID SAVINGS AND TIME DEPOSITSDIRECT RSJames H Bacon PresS H M Bacon VlcePrest F L Bollan CashierW B Holland AsstCMr A M Grant H J Gray S M Jarvi J W Judd O F LaobOlrow F W Ross Elijah Sell D G Tunnlcl11r T A DaIs i I4 It1f 9flI A GOOD MANYfOFOUR OLDFRIENDSWho are generously inclined tocontinue with us as advertising mI patrons who realize the value and 1strength of our columns as businessprocuring mediums have beengiven of late to manifest surpriseat our increased figures for advertising space Just a word in relation thereto A newspaperscolumns is its stockintrade so toI speak The value of its space isI regulated by the class characterand demands of its reading patronsA newspaper having age reputation commanding the esteem andconfidence of its readers and whichcircultes among the BUYINGCLASSES a newspaper leadingall others in its AppointmentsEnterprise Religious Social andPolitical Standing backed by anabundance of Capital Energy andI Progressiveness Such a newsI paper has fixed value for serviceand effectiveness and such a paper 7is theoSaIt Lake Daily llera1IOf Today It is in theFront Ranks of Journalism1THE PEOPLE buy THE HERALDTHE PEOPLE are the SHOPPERSandTHE SHOPPERS arc THE PEOPLE1 1 1c 4H 5II OB O FICES11I I+ EJSAVE YOUR TYPE BY E1 +I IHaving Your Forms Stereotyped i1 11I > AT THE HERALD OFFICE C A Hew and Complete Outfit Best work at Eastern Pilots IIBUGGIES PHAETONS145 STATE STREETINEW STYLES GEORGE A LOWE LOWEST TRICEURRIES 5 f > CARRIAGES7I