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Star Fleet Battles Torrent: Download the Classic Wargame for Free


A captain's skiff was a type of small craft, about the size of a runabout, attached to Starfleet Luna-class starships in the late-24th century. Similar to Galaxy-class and Sovereign-class captain's yachts the skiff was launched directly from the underside of the saucer section, from just behind the ventral sensor array. (TTN novels: The Red King, Synthesis, Sword of Damocles)

Star Fleet Battles Torrent

Following a recent string of defeats to Grievous in the Outer Rim Campaign, Gold Squadron, led by Anakin Skywalker, used V-19 starfighters to lure the cyborg general to a trap in Bothawui. However, the fighters were seemingly outmatched by the firepower of the Munificent-class star frigates of Grievous, resulting one of them being shot down. Anakin then ordered his squadron to break off the attack as he had AT-TE walkers under the command of Rex to destroy the Separatist fleet, giving victory to the Republic, though Grievous escaped the ensuing chaos.[14]

Throughout the war, V-19's would later be replaced by Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighters, though V-19's participated in a few battles such as the Battle of Malastare where they escorted Y-wing bombers and ARC-170 starfighters to assist in the dropping of the electro-proton bomb.[18] They also provided escort to Duchess Satine's ship, the Coronet following a skirmish orchestrated by Tal Merrik, who wanted to kill Satine so Death Watch can invade Mandalore.[19] Several V-19's were also present in Mace Windu's flagship, the Endurance, where Clone pilots used them to evacuate just as the ship was about to be destroyed by Boba Fett in a revenge plot against Windu.[20] V-19's also participated during the Battle of Kamino where they defended Republic ships from Hyena-class Droid Bombers,[21] and also participated in the Battle of Sullust, engaging droid fighters scrambled by a fleet led by Asajj Ventress.[22] V-19's also acted as aerial security over Kamino's cloning facilities until the V-Wings took their place near the end of the war.[23] They also participated in the Battle of Coruscant, where Odd Ball had a few of them shoot down droid tri-fighters to clear the way for Skywalker and Kenobi.[6]

Torrent starfighters were joined, and nominally replaced, by ARC-170 starfighters and V-wings as the main fighters in the Republic's fleet towards the end of the Clone Wars. However, V-19s were still in use by the Republic near the end of the Clone Wars, serving as part of the task force sent to defend Kashyyyk shortly before the execution of Order 66.

The most common scenario played is a one-on-one dogfight of balanced ships, usually heavy cruisers. Skirmishes between small squadrons are also popular; massive fleet battles are possible but require lots of patience and paperwork.

The game has given birth to the greater Star Fleet Universe and a number of related games: Federation Space and Federation & Empire, allowing players to fight a strategic war across the known space; Prime Directive, the RPG which started out with its own system, but was later adapted for use with GURPS, d20 System and d20 Modern systems; Starfleet Battle Force, a card based game directly based and homaged to the classic card game Naval Wars; Federation Commander, referred to by all as SFB Light, a simpler system stressing speed and ease of play over detail. And this does not even go into the fact that the base mechanics and most of the background used in the first two Starfleet Command computer games were directly licensed from the Star Fleet Battles system.

The Torrent was developed at a critical time when the French military was thoroughly reinventing itself in order to compete with and deter the Milky Way's dominant armed forces. A whole new mode of warfare had been opened up by the Hyperspatial Revolution, and the powers more capable of innovating and developing for it would win the coming conflicts. As such, the Torrent was designed by the French Bureau aerospatiale as a radical departure from strike craft orthodoxy. Rather than improve on the traditional characteristics of the multirole strike craft--improving the reliability, maneuverability, armament, and survivability of a fighter concept whose range of operation was limited to realspace fleet battles, and whose main mode of engagement was dogfighting--the Torrent veered sharply into unknown territory as the Gigaquadrant's first strike craft designed explicitly to fit an experimental hyperspatial war doctrine.

By the Battle of Muunilinst, the V-19 had become the Republic's principal starfighter. Originally designed without a hyperdrive, later models were upgraded to accommodate a basic hyperdrive, and many of the older versions were modified to be compatible with hyperdrive rings. Toward the end of the Clone Wars, V-19 Torrents had begun to be replaced by the V-wing and the ARC-170. However, they were still instrumental in several late battles, such as the defense of Kashyyyk.

The V-19 is available from the Venator-class Star Destroyer, Secutor-class Star Destroyer and the Acclamator-class Assault Ship. Its weaknesses include a lack of shields and an obscenely high missile reload time (60 seconds, compared to 15 of other fighters). Overall, the V-19 is a welcome addition to the Pentastar fleet. 2ff7e9595c

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