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Sinister Hun Torrent: The Scariest Movie of the Year


HEM ARKS OF MR. CO 11 WIN,cn rtir pinancb nr.i'onT.AVIipii this wa3 FoUled, to make il bindin.f nnJ irrevocable till WAi, I lie patliMinsetted inllio third section of the bill Itliuir solemn declaration to llmt client.Tlio miction referred In rends as follows :"dud be il further enacted, Thai until tin'thirtieth day of June, ouo lliotisatd cghihtindrod fony-lwc, tin- duties imposedby existing laws as niodiliod by this noshall remain and enntinuu lo be collected."Gould your Itmgnogo furnish word3 moreemphatically expressive of a declaration byCongress lliut no clinttgu was to bo madein this branch of yntir avenue system UllJune, 1012? Did you then expect yourPeople to place no" iclianco on what youthus 6oleinly proclaimed as your dotorniinalion? No: vou did not expect the American People to i real you as hollow heartedkna cs atlonuilii'T to impose on their ere-iliiliiv. Tin s-olo oliiccl of nroclaimiii ' tot hem the unalterable character of the lawof lb'33 was to quiet the fearful agitationthat then every where prevailed, and ivestability lo that interest the maniitaciuliii" interest, which w is most to be nflected by vour uo's. What, sir. thehappy, i ho glorious i IVlcIs ol thai c m'promise? The day before that law recmved tlio Pre-idonl's approval wag overcastWilli the gathering el. .ml ol civil war, il.epnin.'', Fiuiindiii'', tiiul blackening every h-mrThe "round on which wo sloud seemed toheave and quake with the first throes of nconvulsion, that was to rend in frngmontsthe last Republic i u rarlh; at this fearfulmoment an overruling Providence revealedthe instruments ol its wiil in the person ofone man, whoso virtues would have illustrated the luijjiit ot annals of recordedtime, lie prodnci d this real measure olconcord, and the siioeecdir.g morning dawned upon the American horizon without aspot ; the tun of mat day looUeu uownand beheld us a tranquil and united PeopleArc we prepared now to break the bond?of peace, and renew the war? I have saidyou have the power to do so, but I denyvour riixht. 1 do nrt measure luat rightby the standard of law in a municpacourt. 1 cannot cunctivo any idea morrridiculous or contemptible than thai whichfinds no standard ! moral or political duties'and rialita for a Christian, a private gon-tleinan, or a statesman, except that whichis applicable to a content before a justice'scourt, or a nhi pr'tu.i jury. No, Mr, 1 appeal to a law in the b'uom uf man, priornnd paramount to this. 1 appeal to tinSouth, where I know that law will be obeyed, and I know I do not appeal invain. I invoke its characteristic chivalryI call for that sentiment of manly pridwhich is its offspring. I summon lo myaid thai sensitive honor which leels "a Mainlike a wound," which abhors deception, amshudders at violated ran h. Will that .Southwhich I am sure I have liuiy describedloin in tins otJluus infraction ol its owntreaty, and units in tins miserable war upon the laboring ihuti.-aml.s who have oonfided in its securities a war not waged withopen force and clroiig baud a war nol wa(jed lo avenue in.-uiud lienor, but to recover the dilieronce between tivo and tencents dutv upon a vard of cotton goodsYour approach to tins battle Is not hnuMki)bv the trumpet's voice: no, you aretake the proposed bill, and l'o on a titauradin'' expidilion, by v. ay of reprisal. Vouare to steal into the d.wulltng ol the poor,and boldly captuie a mechanics dinner!Y'ou are to inarch into the collage of thewidow, and fearles-iy conli-cato the breakfact uf a factory girl, for the benefit of theplanting and grain growing Slates of thisuiighiyfltepublic ! Such are the motivesfor thiswar, and such are to be the trophies of its victories. How little do they whohave presented such arguments, as these,in this report, know of the character of thePeople of the South and Went ! They vain,lv imagine that the h:gh. minded sons of theSouth have drunk of the fatal cup of thesorecicss, and, like the companions ofUlysses,'Lost their uptight th ipe,And downward li;ll m o tin- gruvulling swine."Tlio great grain growing Stales of theWest are informed, in (his report, that thoymay reclaim n pari of the tribute which, ilis told them, they have been paying without equivalent, if ihey will agree io lliis bill.Let mo tell tho gun'tleuiaii that tho Westmust first bo satisfied tiny aro free in lionor to obey thu call. The hardy race thathas subdued the forests of the West, andin their green youth have constructed miniumcnls of their enterprise that shall survivo t'no Pvramids, is not likoly, from fcordid motives, to join in infliclingreat evil on an v portion of our conunoucountry. The fearless pioneers of theWest, whose cars aro ns familiar with theiliuip crack of the Indian's rille, and hiswdd war whoop at midnight, as nro thoseof your city dandies, with the dulcet notesof the Harp and Piano, they, sir, arc notthe men toad upon sclli.-h calculations andsinister inducements. They hold theirrights by law, and they believe that compuds, oxpiessul or implied, arising fromindividual engagements or public law, areto be kept and defended with their lives, ilneed be, not to bo broken at will, or regarded as llie proper sport of legislative caprice. Mr. Fipoo-kcr, wo have heard much olInto that is new to us, if nol alarming, opthis subject of legislative compact. Fromauthorities of no mean consideration, wohave heard it boldly preached, that thevalidiiy of a compact ntieii'g out of law is anexploded pat minx, Il is represented as urelic of "old times," and wo aro told thatil is inconsistent with tho liberties of thePeople. The liberlioj of iho People! Itwas to establish "tho liberties of the Poo.pie" thai Riibespierro and his infamous asMiciatcs preuched this same doctrine to thedeluded and Irantie populace ol Franco.Li tho American Government now to ndoplthis creed of political Inith ? (low long isil Eir.ce wu were about to wage war withFrance, for refusing to fulfil a treaty which,in the language of our Constitution, wasnothing mora than Wie supreme law n'lhulland" For this wo woro ready to launchour thunders upon 'ho seas, ami arm ourwhole population for tho contest on tholand. Wu required Iho proud monarch ofthe most warlike mil ion of modern timeslo humble himself befora tho oflended majesty of "public law." It is for a supposedviolation of "public law" that your armiesI hno been alternately hunting n'tor, andflying before, the fiercu Occola, for a whole' year',' through the lagoons mid hammocksI or Florida, it is noi io on supposed mmP. .i,l,.. thus ne.thnr. call bo broui'lit to disregard like obligations, whether contracted.byoxpross or implied compact, with ita owncitizens.1 hone, fir, I shall bo pardoned lor dwelling, it nny be, somewhat too long uponthis topic. I must now call tho attentionof tho House lor a few moments to what 1deem a singular phenomenon in our history, ns set loith in the report on your inuie.Il is said dial the planting and grain growing Suites) have, since 1 7U0, paid to themanufacturers of thi. country abnit threehundred and fifty millions of dollars, Mrwhich thev have received no equivalent.Sir, if thin bo true, i.inco tlio Israeliteswere required by the Egyptian tyrant, tomakn bucks without htraw, there is noparr.lkd to such monstrous oppression.I have already staled that I will not pretend to quote the precise language of thereport. I nut sure it is slated mat, minuson imported articles to tho amount of sixHundred and eighty two millions ot uouars,b-i.-id. s thirty million.) for its collection,l.ovo been paid since the year 1709. It isa'so staled in tho report, lhat mure thanone hnlCnl thh uirirrcxnlc had been leviedon protected articles, t he wnolu pcope oliho report labors lo prove mat tins uuiy onprotected nrticks is a grievom and oppres.mvu lax on consumption, lor which noequivalent is received in return. Lounccted wilh those po-ilions, the au'.hur of thereport endeavors to show lhat the plantingami irraiu crowing porlions oi the Unionwere, and are, the consumers, and the fewNorthern manufacturing Slates the prnducm of the protected articles; that tiie foriner are tho payers, and the latter the reenvors of the dutiis; which dulies arerepresented as a mere bounty lo the laborof the North, for which the Sootli andWest never have breti, and, in I he natureo ilni'ir, never can bi, iciinburscd. Sir,I shall not no.v trouble the House, orfriend-, who put forward Ibis fjet as a tntfhproved by figures and tabular statementwilh anv at L'UPieut opposed lo it, but 1must be allowed to advert to it as a Vtern man with feelings of prido. At thoami? tini", 1 loii-t, in common v. ill) otherslabor under miiiio doubts of the fjet aeserted, arming out of the kuo'.' n history olthe list twenty or thirty years.II Iho West and Southwest have paidtheir due proportion of this unjust and unremunerated tax of three hundred and fiftymillions within the last iorty years, whileat the same time, they have, aa the worldknows, conquered the savages who possessed Iho whole Western and Southwesternterritory, cleared iho thick forests whichovershadowed it j in short, if thai portionof the Untied Slates ha--, in less than halfa century, as all admit, readied a point olimpioveuient in wealth and arts which othor tunes and People required ages toachieve, then, I say, I may with pride andconfidence clnlletigo I he whole world within the period of authentic hlnorv, to p irallul tl.o sv .nJurr.ll oliiuli 1 II II vc mohonor, in part, to represent.JjiU, Mr. Speaker, sober reality and stubborn facts compel me lo repress ihts cxul-tiil tun ni nor Inneied snnerinnl y m.i.llcompels me lo doubt who' her truth placein so far above common mortality as lliisrerun t hii done. Fuels, known facts. thoseunaecommoiiaiiiig uiiol;?, io.ii roio so manybeautiful inventions of lerlile and ingenousminds, aro constantly thrusting themselvesbefore, and in lliG way ol, the figured andnhiloiopliv of the geiTllem.ui who has labored in Ibis report to push by tlieui, middrive over iliem, to reach his lavorito conelusions. Vou will ob-orve, Mr. Speakerthat wo aril told ol the "treasuries otheIt:. ii t Kim! ol tho uuiicu ft'atos, iii'owhich i Ins enormous tribute of three bundred and fifty millions has been poured.In the same connexion you fieri r of the"nnncelv establishments" that have beenI'n'pd un and Mi.-laiued by it. Tho "prncethe Northernrea'ed up anlv oMabHslnneiits" aro inmannl'acluring Stales. The princes,"whom the tribute is paid are the Peoplethis happy, favored region. Where, sir,aro tlio poor oppressed tributaries;, according lo this report? Why, sir, in lhatsinking, ruined, wasted wilderness, theWest 1 !The author of this report, under the influenco of a loo fervid imagination, hasspumed tlio shackles, and broken throughthe eiiibarra.-isineiUs arising from facts connected with the scheme of Ins theory. lierepresents iho Northern manufacturingSlates as another imperial Rome, seatedon herseen lulls, rioting in tho luxuriesot the despoih d and impoverished South,her trea-unes nursling witli the enormouswraith poured into them from ihu ravagedand desolated provinces ol tlio West.Manufacturing is pictured as the wand olMidas, turning everything il touches intogold, while it would seem tint growinggram, and plaining cotton, brought onlyluxation witlioui equivalent, poverty andtinreqii ted toil. Sir, if all this were true,what would follow? The Poopiu uf thiscountry, however they may bo excelled byother natiuiis in tlio walks of letters anilthe polite tins, are known to bo bhrowodand well-'uilorinod touching their own pc.cuniary iniurcsis. Such a Poopiu wouldbu fouiid rushing into the uiaiiiifucl urmg(list nets, to reap harvests of wenhh, andits way thro1 llicico of tlio Northern lakes, Iand bursting over tho mountains- Ull theroads and rivers are literally choked wilhIts masses. Whore aro colonists going? To tho west, lo raise1 grain and botaxed! To the Smlhwest, lo grow' cotton,and become poor ! Such is Iho reasoningof the report. Now, I beg to km.vwhether it is nol taxing our good naturequite to far to ask us to believe, and actupon, ingenious theories, and long columnsof figures, standing, ns ihey d ), opposud tofacts, admitted, known, anil understood bvevery man in this Union over twenty onevoarsofage. To coiou lo llio conclusional which Iho report, has arrived, we are n.nnired to adm'H lhat iniiiH blind to anilcareless of Ins own personal advantage.Nay, more, the uu'hors ot thu report roquire yon to deny to our American race thecommon instinct of all annual creation.The philosophy of this report leachus thaiman shuns ease, and ddstr-'s loll; mat nhates ple.i-mro, and loves piin : that ho oichews wealth, and courts piverty. thai heHies trom power, and socks subjection.Ml Hits tumble of contradictions wu aro re.quired to admit us sell evident iruilis, sunply to explain existing lacU in a way tinto contradict lliis erudite trciliso on tradeand finance.Relbro I take leave of the su'ijuct, I wishto notices a few other dihiculties which oppose the consideration of this I). II at thistunc, uno which spring troio a soii'cu Uiaiwill nol be dt-regarded by the nnjortty olthis IIou-c. It will bo f-oen thai llie billproposes a reduction of our incoin- withintho next eighteen months, of s-'ven millionsA very considerable poniou of l Ins reduction falls on the receipts ol tho present year.I lie quest mil 1 ask here is this; Can theI'reasnry bear t nis curtailment of its resources now : l'o answer this, I appeal to anauthority which for these last two yearsIns never been (mentioned or doubled uythe gentleman who present this bill to llieHouse. I allude to ihu annual report oltho Secretary of the Treasury, made un theGth of December last.The reciipls into iho Treasury, from a.lsources, (luring K!37, are p.stun.ited al l,000,000 dollars-. I quote llie very languageof the report. Genilem in will find I nmright, by rolerrence to Document lNo. - ottins session page After enumerating thovarious sources, (such as cisterns, publicland, iSic ) from which this amount is tierivul, the Secretary proceeds lo computeho amount of expenditures for loo presentyear. I slull give his own language, Iromthe same document, pane 5:I'liu L'xpciiilitiiiT-i fur all ahicds. oidiiiury andcxtiaiiiilin.o v, in 1S37, iiinludin ' lliu cumins-ill ofonly frl, 000,000 fur bxcl-sjcs hi nppiopi in-Hun-'',lipjuml die e.Miiu.oe.-;, ,ih- cniiipiileil nl(Od.bJl, piovnled llie uiicxpnncle.l iippiopii.illnnil die end uf this and tlx; next miuin aboutequal.Here gentlemen will see that, instead oireducing lite revenue duwii lo the wants olthe Government, our income, from all sources, in l,'t37, falls short of our i:xpMidit tirosas estimated, nearly S 5,000,000. It theSecretary is right, (and will the geu'lemenof the nnjority ho so h dd m to say he iJwioog.-j iiic. ii. uir.ri uliouUI lie lo increase the taxes, to raise tile revenue up ..the actual wants of the Government. Andsir. if il were not for the five millions,which aro k'-ot io reserve for vi r inrdion rvdero.)tids on the 'I'reasnry by llie Deposilebill of hist year, according to the calculations ol Mr Woodbury, we shou'd be compelled now to increase the duties onforeign mercliaudinu dining tho presentyear, or borrow money lo meet the demandson the Treasury. Let us t-uo what theSecretary further says on page o of thesiine report. I again quote his own words."From these calculations it will bo seenlhat, if the outstanding appropriations unexpended at ihu close of U!37 be as lirgeas nl the close of I U3G , and the other expemlitiires should agree with Iho itbove cs-iiunles, they would exceed the ooinputt drevenue accruing from all sources nearly(j,J,000,000. or tuifiicienl to absorb morethan half of that part of the pre-uiit. surpluswhich is nol to bo deposited with the several Slates. Hut if these outstanding appropriations at llie close of 1 1137 Should bemuch loss than those in I liJO, as is; or, should the accruing receipts bemuch larger than the estimates, a call willbecome in ci'.-.-ary for a portion of the surplus deposited with iho Slates, though nwill not piobably become necessary, exceptin ono of ihoio events."lo the extract I have read, llie Secretaryha.) quite distinctly told us thai the probability is, we shall not only absorb all tho auuruing revenue, and the five millions notdeposited wilh the Stales, by the expenditures of 1UJ7. bill thai the Slates will h.called on to repay a portion of the moneyih-po-iied with them, lo meet the wants ofthe Government during Ihu present youHow, sir. does the policy of reducing therevenue, as proposed in this bill, agree wi lltins .state of things? Pass the bill, sir, andin eighteen mouths, it h said, you will savin Iho pockets of !h" People seven millionwhich would otherwise bo drawn from momby the laws now in force.' A id, in thesouio time, if you p ace any confidence inthe Secretary ol the Treasury, you will be.compelled to lake from the Peiplo of thoStales (who arc lo have Iho use of the money deposited with them) ait amount,I if not more. What, a miserable piec ofbungling jugglery would this he! Vousimply lake seven millions out uf one pockel of the People and pul il iiilu tho other,and gravely toll thorn you have saved to'.onsidorcd II conclusivo cvidonco of oJacnlial Ivulgarity ; It was proof wilh Ilium that a manhad not soon " good society," if ho presumedlo question the propriety ol any requisitioncoining from lhat high and responsible sourceHo prevalent woro theso opiuioni, that I fourI have Honiultinos yielded my assonl to ap.pronriations rnorelv to preserve my characteror "gentility" wilh Iho "haul Ion," whocomposed the majority hurc, as they do intho committee, ol which 1 um a member.How is il then, thai wo aro now lo dismissall rogaid to tho Miggoslious uf this officer ?lias nol tho I'rosidonl eortthuil to you that hohas discharged his duty with great abilityand groat fidulily ? Do wo not hear his friendsovjry where extolling him lo tho skies for aprodigy of financial wisdom ? Did not thoPresident select him for his and coinprobcus'ivo knowleifiro of lhat most ouriiloxinirof all soicttco political economy ; for hisl.ugo add accurate acquaintance wilh thochannels of trade and tho s ntrcos of national wealth ? Surely no ouo of the majoritywill doiiut this ! iNoiv, sir, wh u respect ispaid to his opinions, his 'olileial opinion,'' bytlio bill and report on your tiblo i rruu,it can.not hu denied, for the President has said il isso ; that ho has discharged his duly wilh fidulily. Is it not unkind, then, in his ownfriends, "ministering servants of tho" Waysand Means lo trait his labors with such cruelindiflorencu? rfeo him day and night, watch,ing tho various of tradu, that bringwualili to tho People, ami revenue lo IhoTreasury: sacrificing his caro and health lothose thoughts which w.istu tho ruariow andconsume iho brain ;'' aftur voar donyinghimself, with fortitude. Iho gaieties ofthis most refined and fasliionublu city, broodill! with ceaseless and anxious cate over thoTreasury, if nol iho treasure ; ho nils like "sadI'tomellieiH fastened I o hi) rock.'' And no vsir, as if they were determined lhat this Titan ofiho Treasury should the fato olhis prototype of old, his ancient friends, ilscorns, by some magical change, turn tormcn.tors, and aro prepared lo ihriisi liieir vuliurobeaks into his liver, and, with remorselessvoracity, devour his fiosh, without over tor-ininatiii' his pain. Sir. to drop figure, andspeak in plain prosaic Knglish, Ibis bill asksyou to treat every opinion of iho present Seesrotary as sin pid nonsense, and lakt as infallible truth the conjectures of this report intheir stead. 1 ask iho friends of the Secrotaryiflhcyaro prepared for litis; ifiwt, theywill vote with me to postpone the lulllinns of law faithfully observed I He 'peculation, notwithstanding llie late dent Iispeaks lumiliarly ot q "principles ' on I of llie United States UuiiU, the report con-which the coinpromiso act was passed.Whal d ies he mean by the "principles ' olthat act ? Nothing elu than these mutualstipulations by the great contending parties lo lltul compact, providing lor a stablefixed rale of duties, which should the act itself expresses it, till J-.tue.1042. Tho bill disregards iho "principles"or lather violates and destroys tho principles on which the compromise act waspassed. Tlio report, instead of anticipating a reduction of revenue, by the lawsnow in force, goes about facilitating thatreduction by legislating in a way contraryto the whole tenor of the President's optnion which I have quoted. Sir, I cull onthe cliiirman of the Ways and Means tosay when, before now, he has ventured ona system of policy not approved by the'speech from th) throne;" I Osk himwhy he did nut bring forward this bill lastyear, when every possible expedient waresorted lo, to gel rid of a surplus, whichwas about to go to Hits Stales, as it did gounder a law so odioii3 to the Prince Regentwho is to mount the throne iho -1th of lliecomui'r Alarch? A bill r during llie revcnuc llieu would have saved the troubleand dangers of a deposite with llie Stales.That was the tune, ifevor, to havo urgedlis passage. Since the surplus has goneto the States, no reason exists for reduction. Do nol gentlemen sco that a mostuncharitable view miy plausibly be takenol their course? 11 will be said, thathu President had forbidden you to disturl;the compromise, and nt that time had ayear of his reign remaiiiini'. in which hipower of reward and punishment could btexerted, you I hen dare not incur !m dpleasure; but now, when only six week' ofthat reign are left, to bo spool in the Ianguor of convalescence, or it may be tinagony of pain, you may treat the opinionsof your old chief with contempt, relying ontho sure protection ot the Executive electOn the chairman of the Ways and Means(whom, if I may not number among mymends, cannot call my loo,) 1 fear il mayno said that Ins eye has been .-o duv.zleiby the glitter of expected ojrolioU, underthe new reign, that In: his lost sight of alllid it ho remembered that tho Secretary of regard for the principles and authority ofthat which is now almost numbered withtho past. 'High-ri achiag Ilticku g'lamgrows circumspect." What a sinkingexhibition is hero of Ihu emptiness andvanity of earthly renuwit and nrjre humanpower ! Hut yesterday, and like theI mighty lirsl (Jicsar, "tho word of Andrewagainst Hieo poor as lo doInm reverence " Deserted by all liN oldand I'lithful followers, abandoned by thoseadoring crowds of self styled dotimcr.its Ialone, an obscure and derided nrist"Cnit,from I ho far Vrest, as our nomenclaturehas it, I alone stand by the desolntu oldman, vindicating his opinions, and stemming, is I best can, that torrent of contempt poured out by Ins own former friendswhich is likely to pursue and overwhelmhim in his relreal from the scene of hisglory.How are wo to account fur this singu'iuo....nt ? sJmMilur indeed il is. apparentlybut really what was to be looked for. Po'lilicians that belong to what I may ileinniiioale, for the sake of distinction, The schoolof idolatry, do not worship the sotting, butulways the rising sun. No sooner, iherefore, do we see the level beams of the retiring hero's setting orb. begin io melt intothe twilight, than, as we might exp-et. thethick crowds torn wisfullv lo a Uuhiuui andiho Treasury, whose views aro dianietrioalyopposed to Iho passage of any looking to a io.duclion ofthe revenue, has given his opinionsonly .1 mouth ago. Surely he has not changed ull his notions respecting our probable receipts in 1U37, since ho published his lastreport. I should bo glad if my colleague,.Mr. imti2R,(. who torn us mo oilier uay -i o i j,.,c!;m,u illicit have sloodinn laieiy uecn oeiituu uio curiam, ; wouiu W()ri(i ... i 1QW .il)OI1,,iiiiorui us wuinner, amongst oiuur iiucuiiissccrals, h: had heard anything of a totalchango of the Secretary's opinions on ibissubjeo , within the lasl few weeks.Mr. Speaker, if the gentlemen who havobrought forward this measiiie havo emancipated themselves from all respect for thoopinions and recommendations of your chiefof finance a respect hi rderiug hcrlofuro onabsolute subinision to his will, a li'.tlo attontiiui to documents emanating from a quarterstill more vcucialcd, will exhibit them in aualtitude of still more o.valled independence.Thev are, however, (if I may ho paidoned aconjociuio- u....i.,riiulle.) scarcely enlillodto a po-iilion su enviable as ol'sel-relyingand self resolved fteedoin of aclion. Soino-3-r.l . ..( Mwll..,l...o.J u,.l.-...ilyfor puor humanity, mingles in Um composi.lion of iho purest motives and slains tho'glo.ry of the most sublime achievements. Thocommittee havo, I fear, betrayed somethingtoo much of a quality, or, lo (-peak phronologically,an organ, of cotubativeness. Thoyhave not only spurned all the trammels ofprecedent, and despised all iho opinions of uncertain dawn in an opposite quarter ofwallow nt monopolies thai drained everyother portion of tho Union to swell theiraccumulation Such u People would bo 1 1 hem seven millions of nriiiey by ihu pro-once ami 1 ucss. Sir, thu People ofthe S ates tiro not.found to shun, as a hind of pcotiledeath, the ngrinulturol region, where not hing awaited them hut taxation, and consequent poverty. Sir, I regret that fact amithe I r nl lis) of iii-lory compel mo to spoil thubeautiful theories and exact calculations ofthis admiruhlu report ; hut, sir, truth, however unwelcome, will bu found, nt last, thesulbst guide, in wandering through the lab.yrinlhs of nicculntion and theory. What,sir, is lite fact ? Why, for thirty yeurt, n,utidu of emigration has been Vow this verylaud of wealth, nod not lu it. The exodushas been from tho land of promise, to thuhouse of bondage. The shrewd Yankeeshave been Hying from wealth, and ease,and iiiouoply, in their own country, to thisvery oppressed gram ui:d cotton raising region ol llie West, booking taxation, oppressioii, mid wuui ! For llicsu hist three years,ns every American (except the authors ofthis report) well knows, population fromthe Northern Slates has been ploughingto be thus deceived. L it tlictn look lo thismeasure and ils sure results. U U designud to bring about a statu of things, whichwill compel a call on llmm fur tho surplusrevenue depo-ited wilh them, and which Ium happy to heu their Legislatures ureusing to the general advantage of theirconst il ileitis.Hut it is possible tha friends of tho Secretary will tell mi) his conjectures and calculationsare not lo ha relied on. Shall I roceivo thatanswer from the goulliiuioii composing tho ma.jority here? Whose itulhoi ity is it that is thuslu bo contemned Tho vorv man whoso bo-hosts liuvo been laws to the G'omuiilloo ofays and Means ovor sinco I havo had thohonor to ho ono of Ilium. Sir. I have observedthai il has been thought by that cnnniiitloo,not only unwise, but even contumacious, laclions, rebellious, to oppose any demand, or todoubt any view lakon by the Soerotury of tholuiuauijr., sir, i imvo iiiougni boinulimes that hit Ineuils un lhat eoitnniltcetho Sociutary of thu Treasury, but determinedlhat paradox should, in themselves at least,have tho moiil of originality. Thoy havo sutat naught, uay, scorned the solemn injunctions of Iho President himself. Thus, theymay bo said lo stand ' alone in their glory.Sir, we havo heaid much Jackson'sitstem of admiuislralion. Many meaning islo bo attached lu this word ''system," whichcan stand against tho arbitrary dictation ofparty. il will bo admilid Ih.U it implies a planwhich comprehends an Older of proceedingby piinciplcs extending over the limo, at leastof a presidential term, lu litis view, wo can atonce sco how groal principles aro as true andtippphcablc in practicu in l!!Ji as they wctc inlO'JO. This being admitted, let us soo howIho li ll and report now before us haniioui.owilh the doctrines on the same subject, expresst'd in strong and earnest advice to Congress,in tho President's message a year ago. 1 quotetho en lire passage front tho message of 1I!3G:"t'limilil Coiijics in.ilvc new itiiupri.ilimis,in Ciiiif.ii'inily with the c-luu.ilcs ulneli will hesubmitted hum the proper ik-p.u Intents, nmuiiniintu ii Ijoii t lueniy-l'iiiu- million-!, still the ai.iil.iblesurplus, nl llif close nf tlio next je.u-.alu-r ileiliieiin.ill iiuexpen.leil iijiprojii i.iiiuns, will piubably notlie k-ss lh. in fix m i 1 1 ioi is. I'Ii'm nn can, in myjudgment, lie now usefully applied tu proposedinipinveiiKMits in our navy yards, and lo new italiun il wuiks, wliieh it i u nut entiiiiciaied in thepiesi'itl estimates, or to the mure rapid rompleliouof those ulie.nly liegiui, Kulier would he cuiiiii.union, il and useful, .mil winilil lender uoiiei'es-.iiyany attempt, in our picscnl pei'uliar coiiliuoii, todivide lie; unplm leienur.iir tu i etloe.o il nny faster tli. in will be effeeied by the exisiiiii lius. Inmaivi, rn the annuiit reiwrt from llie Stc-return ofthe TrttMtru will i liter mo ilctilsshowing the probability of same decrease inllie revenue during llie next seven iears, una nvery cxnxiilerablc deduction in IS 12, it is notrcvomendublc that Congress should undertaketo modify the nrcienl tariff, so us to disturb theprinciples on which the compromise act runspassed. I'.ixitinu on shiiiii iifllii! .uncles of general - 1 1 1 s u in j t ion, wiiu'ii me nut tu eutiipclttiiiuwilh our own piniluiuiuiii, may bu, no doubt, soilinniiislied ns to liv-en, tn suiue exieol, lite suittcuuf lliis leieiiue; and tlio s.iinu object e.m nljo beassisted by more liberal prut issiun for lliu subjectsuf public defence, nliirh, in the pi ('sunt siiueolourpiosp.irily mill ueilili, nny bu expected to enqaojour itlieiiiiiiu. If, however, sutiijying all thedemands which can arise from these sources, theunexpended balance, in the Trruiuru shouldstill continue lo increase, it would lie better tobear mith the evil until Ihe zreut change concmptiitcd in our tauff lawt have occuntd, andshall cnuole uitoicvne the y,tem with thaicore and eiteum'peiwion width tiie due io soilcltcuie anil laipoiumt a lUbjcai,'Iloru gentlemen will perceive that thebill and report nro nt war with the Presrdent's opinion solemnly expressed en thesamo subject. .Mark, however, the termsemployed to designate the act ul'lll'dd ; hocalls it Iho compromise act. As heauiicipatcsu considerable reduction in ourrevenue during the next seven years, midespecially in llMj.ho warns ns "nol to disturb lite principles on winch the compromhe net of Kt3.J was passed." Spoken likea man sensible of tho obligations of legislative and public faith! Sentiments worthythe Chief Magistrate of a nation governedby law, whoso duty il is to see the obligatin.heavens. With characteristic fitfulnoss it now shoots a gleam of faint lightabove the borix o, anil anon wiihduiws itfrom the sight. At Inst "half concealed,half disclosed," it rises no the world, andhither ihu multitudes repair to "worshipami adore."Thus, anil thus only, can we ncc-tint.sir, for those ccccutiic movements andstrange contradictions which crowd themselves into the annuls ofthe little and greataspirants after the perishable honors of thisworld; and this In. I wu uro to receive itstiie first ofloring upon the ulinrs erected toour ricio divinity. Il is m this way ournew sovereign will signal. ze the beginningIns reign. IIu will destroy, in tlio iir s,tyear, 1500 millions of properly, all fnr lhugood ot Ins loving snujecis, and, with theblessing of God. which may lie tno.-i rea-on.ably expected lo attend so beneficent awork, proceeding at this rate, he will sueceed, in Ins reign of four years, in destroying twelve hundred millions of the nation'sproperly. Thus will our excellent democratic Government enable our People tfeel the force of lhat consoling declarationof scripture. "Blessed are the pour."Mr Speaker, I should bo happv to sparemyself the pain which il always gives melo recur to former transactions in a waylikely lo excite uiiplea-aui feelltugs; but 1have the mislortuuo to differ wtih the m ijority of it committee of which I am nmember: I nm, therefore, compelled tuself defence to give everv reason in nivpower for the course my conscience impelsme to pursue.Phe House are already apprized that thbill on iho table presupposes a surplus ofrevenue as certain to uccrtio within tftnext eighteen months. I hu uxi.-tencu olthis surplus is tho evil ihu bid is inteudeito prevent. Whether this opprchoudedsurplus will accrue, is mailer nf opinion.I wish, then, to present another, and onlyouo other document, lo show the rolianseplaced upon the opinions nf that very majority of the Ways and Means, who nowrequire us, on the faith of I heir opinion amiconjecture merely, to pass this hill. Mattygentlemen will rem tuber lhat various pro',jecls for iho disposition of tho surplus revenue were referred lo this same committee,composed of the tamo persons hist yeurwhich now compose it. On the Ut of July.1 1130, just before tho close of the last session, utitl only about six mouths ago, n ruport was made, from which I propose toread and extract. It will be seen by thisextract, whot were the opinions of thecmiuuiltcu then, ns to any surplus whichmight possibly come into' the Treasury,and also their prognostics us to the probability ol'siich un event happening at all.Alter disposing of a vniiely of topics andreviewing our past history as usual, coinpi nning with becoming indignation of budcurrency in England and America, and deploring the existence of an evil spirit ofchutes ns follow-' Our revenue from cititoin and public landsafter 111,17, it nut likdy to execid Ihe expendituresoj Government. It is, therefore important thatwh'ilcver surplus ice may have in Ihe mean'time, whether dipodted wilh the local banksor in the Slate 'J rtasuries, as is proposd afterthe first of January next, should be pr servedlo u uppliul, lo the crlraordinary purposes,ice 'ai-e been compelled to provide for duringlitis teuton, ana lor similar expenditures, wliiehin the nrct cut stale uj Jnitim relations, mayagain br.iumi; necessary. On ihu balance intho 1 rcatury on tlio isi oi January uexl, anatho revenue which may bo received in 1837,tliero will be chargee in addition to iho current expenditures of thai year, and all extraordinary demands lltal may occur probably nearlilleeil millions iur appropriations auiuorizcuat presotil session, making ihe claims uponthe Treasury in Iho next year greater than inthe presold, while the revenue uf 1837 will boconsiderably loss than that of 1030, andleaving tho surplus at tho close of that yearmurh diminished. .-Jj our income will notprobably then cxcied our can en t expenditures,we must rely entirely upon what surplus wemay have lo defray all ixpenses which may become mcessanj in extinguishing Indian titles lolands, removing the tribes beyond the Mississippi, and for other objects of expenditure of anextraordinary character!'I b'gthe House to noiico with whal oracolor giavpy the prophets then utteredtheir predict ions. "Our rcvr.nuc from cus,loins and public lands, after lf!37, is nol Zi'A' exceed Ihe expenditure:! of Government."We ire th"ii kindly, but still peremtorilyadmonished to husband our surplus, if ony,to meet those exigencies which every wiseand con-idcra'e man should o I ways bo prepared to expect in human concerns. Again:at thu close we tiro thus addressed : ',.2sour income will nil probably then exceed oiirI'.urrenl expenditures, wo must rely entirelyupon what surplus we may have to defrayall ihu expenses which may become nccessar in extinguishing Indian titles to land,"iSic". Sic. So spike the prophets G monthssine'!. A nd now. up j'linps the Chairmanof ihe Ways and .Means, modest as Morning when she eyes the youthful Pl.ojbus,"and full of the same inspiration that burnedj tn thu bosom of the seer in July last, and inthe same solemn prophetic tones, ho lolls' ns our income will exceed our expenditures-.I Now we are adtnoni-hed not to hu-baudany surplus we may havo, but to reduce)ihe revenue by seven millions, in the nextyear mid a half, so that no surplus whatever shall remain.S.r, when I see with what ruthless handthe committee has loin to pieces everyshred of character for either ability or fidelily of the Secretary of the Treasury, andh ,v wilh the sumo destructivu appetcrcyI hev have I ram pled down the authority ofthe 'President himself, and lastly, when Isee wilh what ridiculous gravity them tworeports of the same committee, differingou y -ix tn niths in their ages-, contradicteach other, I hope the gentlemen will pardon the degrading analogy, but really I canthink of nothing like then) but the celebrated "r. it- ol Kilkenny ;" they have at lastliterally swallowed each ether, htr. I havodune with this siib'p ci. I know I have detained ihe House already too long; for tinsI inn.-: I iod nu apology in the fact I lutt I hnilnot the oi .n distiiot thought of addressingthe Ho'i-e on this subject, till the aflernoo tofye.-terday. Without further time for nr.raugement ol topics 1 could not hope lopreserve thai order which is so favorableto brevity as well us perspicuity. L t moagain implore the House to put this subjectat once at rest. Ihe worsl evil that cancome is ti surplus of n few millions, nndeven tins ihe highest otlicor in the Governmen' connected with your systemlolls you is impossible. 15ut if il should occur, send it as you have done before, to thoS'aics, where il can be Used as well uskept. If this surplus is an evil, in that wayyou can rid yourselves of it as easily as (heshipwrecked aposlle shook off the serpentthiU fastened upon his hand. At all events,let your People rest one year from yourmiserable experiments. Lot your formerblunders teach you some caution. In yourattempt lo bring about a gold currency youhave fl loded the laud with bank notes. Indestroying the United States Dank monopoiy y. ni have raised up u greater monopolyin public lands. Now you are to try Ihuexperiment ol breaking down what arecalled in tins r-port the "princely establishments of Ihe North." Sir, yon will not,cannot, ot h-a-t now. ell'iot this last and,11 ist eruel experiment. led us Mien putlots bill (j lietly lo sleep somewhere; let ilre.-t in peace nil lltdi; then, perhaps, itii. ly reappear amongst us under other auSj'.icos, an I wi'h betitr claims to our rc-r.nrd.Washing ros, Jan. lilj S.inl.i Aimbid lefi us nune suddenly than liu appealed .ttuoiius. Vesierd ij-be leceited an iniiin.itiuu that uUnited -jt.iles te.sel lyinj; nt Noifulk, his pass.iROin nliirli bad been pieiioiislv arranged, was readyto piureed to ea.x with liiin'iimiiedi.ilely. lie lieI'nidinaly was ciinsir.iiiie.1 to foiro thu in rangeinenl wliieh bail hern made for bis pail ion inthe lio'pit.ilitius nl tin; l-'xeculm: to-day, and lomake an ou-iiiiii; t isil in lieu of tak'uij-" u dinnerwith lite beads uf llie I'xeculive L)ep.u intents,lie went ufflhis niniiiing by llie cans lo Baltimore,depaitiu;, ns he eiitcicd the city, in lite most prituie ill-inner. Few of oils citizen saw the Mexican dm in j Ills stay lien, The reeling which liehid excited in llie public breast nainst him by lib)lie.iclitiiei and ciiieliies was siifiicienl, in ibis in.stance, whit sutue exceptions, lo overpower thateiiiiusity which tempts us into so many nets of in.iloroium ami absuiiliiy. The Lion ami his keep,crs It ie (-one without ing m ich of an impicssiun behind ibeni. Geneial S-.iiila Anna isdescribod us n lino liii.kiii! iit-ui with a lottiiid reuniten.iiieo, black pieteing eyes, ii sharp nose, unit u"ouil li. no of intellect, which bo can use if be pleases, so as to make himself an nj-reealilo companion.I lejoice that be lefi the eitv without liawni.' ex-piTicnmi nny oiuraeoiis treatment, uul tins i enliiely attributable lo lite pierauliuna wliieh wciotaken tu keep him otn of lite mblio view..Air. (iriiudj-ollVied ihu customary resolution lo uppuiiil a comniillce to settle tho mode ofcouiiling tho oihs for President nnd Vice l'rei.dent, llio resolution thotilil bo atonce adopted, but .Mr. Clny inleipofed nn objeclinn, in the I'oiin of u iripic;! thai it might lie un.lil looiiurrniv, in oulcr incite liini lime to preparaan iiiupiidmeiil. Tlio i.iicmeniB which liao thai public ilncers were inenibeia of theelectoral cullre, a fact which, if established, would,according to llio Coii.tiiulioii; (a document, t0 beure, of ciy lillle consideration and authority inlliesti d.tysi rcliiler liieir totes illrcil. me. no llie bottom uf ibis iiiowiueiil of .Mr. Clay, whomllllienilllinilt lll-iv tin ill llm, nl nn inairi.xitnnlo ihu rommiiiee in cmpiire into iho legality ofiiictr tutct. lie will probably gno Ins viewi tomorrow, when be offers his iimeiidiiiciit to llie rcnlulioii, Mr. (ii unity c.iine up lo him tifier llioresolution was laid out, nnd I presume, was informed of his pi)ipe.-c,

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