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Material Texture Loader V1.22 For 3ds Max 2016-2020


Info:The Material Texture Loader is a 3ds Max script, designed to quickly load in textures, create a material and apply that to your scene. It works both with PBR, Specular and Metallic workflows, but it can be used for any type of texture that needs to be loaded as part of a material.

The Material Texture Loader is a 3ds Max script, designed to quickly load in textures, create a material and apply that to your scene. It works both with PBR, Specular and Metallic workflows, but it can be used for any type of texture that needs to be loaded as part of a material.

Material Texture Loader v1.22 for 3ds Max 2016-2020

When you load in a set of textures, the maxscript will put textures into a material slot based on certain name conventions that are present in the filename. So textures that have 'color' or 'albedo' in there name will go into the diffuse slot, 'refl' or 'spec' named textures go into the reflection slot, etc.

You can manually select or de-select textures from any material slot and once you are happy you can select a bitmap and material type, along with a host of other settings. All settings, including textures and bitmap types can be changed live after creation.

The material texture loader gives the user the ability to add triplanar and random rotation mapping to all textures as well as link Cropping and UVW Coordinates, so when you need to adjust these settings, changes will be applied to all created textures at once. This is very especially useful when working with atlas textures. But it speeds up pretty much the whole material creation process.

The Material Texture Loader is a 3ds Max script designed to quickly load in textures, create a material and apply that to your scene. It works well for a PBR texture workflow, but it can be used for any type of texture that needs to be loaded as part of a material.

The material texture loader gives the user the ability to add triplanar mapping to all texurtes as well as link Cropping and UVW Coordinates, so when you need to adjust these settings, changes will be applied to all created textures at once. This is very especially useful when working with atlas textures. But it speeds up pretty much the whole material creation process.

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